Why I Find Writing So Hard | David Peletz

For whatever reason, I continually put off writing. It’s one of those things that I tend to enjoy doing in the moment, but struggle to get myself to do. Day after day, I tell myself that I’m going to produce something. And, day after day, I find something more “important” to do.

For me, writing is so difficult because it’s a form of self-expression. In our modern society, we’re constantly being forced to consume rather than create. We use platforms that thrive on us continually scrolling on their newsfeed, watching their latest TV series, and reading their latest news article. Regardless of the medium, we’re constantly consuming.

Trying to create feels like flipping a switch that’s hard-wired in me. It seems easy to wander through life without ever creating anything. That said, there’s a truly rewarding feeling that comes from creating. 

While I try to read more than I binge watch shows on Netflix, I still find myself drawn into this trap. Even reading is a form of consumption and I am hoping to find a better balance between reading and writing. Day after day, I decide to get lost in a book for hours rather than putting words on paper.

I love reading and think that it’s one of the best ways to spend my time. That said, I think there must be some way to strike a balance between these two activities. When I pick up a book, I don’t feel that same resistance that I do when I open my laptop to put words on paper. For me, reading is far more consistent with what I do day-in and day-out.

I’m curious to hear if you have faced similar struggles.


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